About Emma

Emma J Wallace  loves stories.  Her family read aloud to her as a young girl, then she learned to read so that she could find her own way to new worlds in books.  Inspired by the daily delivery of three newspapers, Emma wrote her first stories as a very young reporter, put together her own broadsheet of family news, and then delivered it for a nickel a copy. Like many writers, Emma has always had a day job (or two), but writes stories early in the morning before someone else can claim her attention.   (Just open the manuscript, Emma!) 

You can read Emma’s stories on your Kindle or after downloading the free Kindle app on your device.  To see all of her books go to her Author Page on Amazon.  



One response to “About Emma”

  1. Cathy Baum Avatar

    I cannot wait to dig into your latest book! I’m on the tail end of another book (someone else’s) and this news has given me the impetus to finish the dang thing!!


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